Motoforza Terminologie
Jedes Unternehmen hat eine etwas andere Terminologie ihrer Produkte.
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Höcker Moosgummi = rear part of bodywork closed for racing foam seat. (other known names : "rear part", "Seat", "Race tail") | |
Höcker Original Polster (OP) = rear part of bodywork open for Original Polster (Seat). | |
Höckerabdeckung - cover under the seat for closing rear part from bottom. | |
Zusatzteil - this is seat support for closed seat racing for foam seat - installation os between frame and seat for better durability of seat or as necessary part for installation of seat to the rear frame. | |
Oberteil - klein- This is a Upper part racing small for connection with the side parts, and often the oil sump (or small lower part) often reminiscent division of the original plastics. |
Oberteil - gross - this is Upper part big, especially design for easy installation / uninstallation, to connect the Lower part. | |
Unterteil - this is Lower part, special design for easy installation / uninstallation, to connect the Upper part big. Ussually for racing use to catch the oil when the engine failure. | |
Seitenteil - can be small for 5-pieces complete set, or bigger for 4-pieces complete set. Sometimes can be use as subsitute for ABS original part. | |
Ölwanne racing - this is lower part closed in 5-pieces sets, usually for racing use. Usuallly for racing use to catch the oil when engine failure. | |
Komplettsatz 3-tellig RACING : usually contains of the basic parts of bodywork. (Upper part, lower part, seat (rear part) for foam seat) | |
Komplettsatz 4-teilig RACING : usually contains of (Upper part, side parts, seat racing for foam seat) | |
Komplettsatz 5-teilig RACING : usually contains of (Upper part, side part, oil sum, seat racing closed fo foam seat) | |
Komplettsatz 6-teilig SBK: usually contains of : (upper patrt, side parts, Oil sump, seat open, GFK polster) | |
Complete set racing "OP" - this is complete set, which include rear part (seat) open for use with Original Polster (stock seat) ( thats why called "OP") | |
Teil "Strada"- this is parts with cut out for head light, tail light, exhaust. Usually this parts can be used as considerably substitute of original parts. Can be for example.: Upper part Street big/small, Seat racing closed with cut out for tail light, seat "OP" with cut out for tail light, lower part with cut out for exhaust / side stand. |
Reduziertstück zum Luftröhre- this is transition duct necessary to join upper part of fairing and original / race airduct (airducts) |
HINT: (in the description of part is exact list from which parts accurately is the each individual complete set composed.
GFK = Abkürzung für Glasfaser
HINT : each design with materials and their description you can find in each card of product under bookmark "Type of material", a litlle bit more in section "ABOUT US" / MATERIALS" , "PRODUCTS"